Buying Checklist for All Forms of Ag Equipment

source: In another article about What you need to know before Buying New or Used Equipment and whether to buy in cash or finance it, I covered some of the decision steps a farmer should go through when selecting equipment. Even more important though after you decide exactly what you need in your equipment, is finding that good piece of used equipment. This article applies to used equipment and not new equipment. New equipment is going to come with [...]

The Latest in Fertilizer Spraying Technology

click for video Agricultural fertilizer application has advanced significantly from the days of randomly casting powdered fertilizer over a field with a spread broadcaster. Now there are electronic sensors that determine where the fields begin and end, along with GPS sensors for determining what fertilizer mix is required at certain locations, plus a variety of spray nozzles to adapt to different application rates and chemicals.   Targeted Fertilizer and Pesticide Spraying Saves Over 40% There was a recent study done in California where [...]

What you need to know before Financing New or Used Equipment

What you need to know before Financing New or Used equipment One of the biggest decisions that farm owners face is deciding to buy either used or new equipment. The next question is then how to finance these major purchases. Before carefully analyzing these two decisions, there is one criteria that will quickly put your purchase decision in one camp or the other. If you are looking for a tractor in the under 60 hp market, then your better choice [...]

Recommended Tractor Accessories

 Source:   Your tractor is much more then simply a piece of production machinery. Your tractor can often be your home for up to eight hours or more per day when you are preparing the soil or harvesting, or working on other projects that require the use of the big beast. Most of us think nothing of adding refinements to our automobile to make us more comfortable: upgrading a stereo perhaps, adding a GPS system and often adding seat covers, [...]



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