Mobile Apps for Agriculture and Internet-Cell Phone Technology Hold Promise for Developing Countries

As technology continues developing at a breakneck pace in the US and other developed countries of the world, the use of Apps for agriculture (Smartphone Applications) has expanded well. The many apps now being used in Agriculture focus on these primary functions or specializations: Weather and Climate – farmers rely heavily on information that relates to weather and climate in real time. Each season delivers a different frequency and duration of rainfall, and wide swings in temperature can present themselves [...]

GPS in Agriculture – A Rapidly Evolving Technology

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has been around for a long time, but the use of GPS in agriculture is quite recent.  The ability to locate a geographic position using satellites was first introduced in the 1970’s.  GPS is really just the core technology, however.  It has evolved tremendously to real-time data exchange, which probably contributed the most to its practical application in Agriculture. It wasn’t until another layer of technology, namely, Geographic Information Systems came about that we’ve seen [...]


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