Raised Bed Farming

Many small farms are converting from flat land field management to raised beds.  There are several considerations to go through before converting to raised beds that we’ll cover here. “Raised-beds are a type of planting crops in which furrows - long, narrow trenches made in the ground by a plow - are widely spaced and crops are planted on raised strips. The width of the strips is determined to ensure homogeneous adequate water distribution into the soil profile to meet [...]

Did you Know? You Can Also Use Ag Implements with ATVs-2

Powered Tillage (Rototillers) Rototillers are an excellent power implement to equip with your compact tractor in that they will work in a variety of conditions, depending on how they are set up. Chain vs Shaft Driven – Rototillers are set up according to the outside width of your tractor tires.  Many compact and sub-compact tractors will be equipped with a 48” rototiller.  When you’re operating this small a tiller, it’s best to use a Chain driven type because of cost, and [...]


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