Starting Right: Equipment Maintenance

Farm machinery maintenance requirements grow with the size of the equipment being used, the number of hours equipment is used per year, the difficulty of working the particular soil for your farm, and the age of the equipment. Accountants use a working estimate 25% of the cost of new equipment will eventually be required for maintenance after the economic life of a tractor. This translates into maintenance being a major ongoing expense for all farms.   Maintenance: A Time to Call [...]

Top 5 Ag Tech Achievements of 2013

Top Ag Achievements of 2013 Putting together a top five list of agricultural technology equipment achievements is practically an impossible task. Every single piece of equipment that modern farmers use today require thousands of brilliant engineers to get to the level of performance that we now take for granted. These particular top five agricultural and farm machinery equipment achievements come from videos that were viewed most frequently, suggesting that farmers consider this technology to be key for them. Thank you [...]


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