Tractor PTO Generators – Better to Have One Before You Need One

Tractor Power-Take-Off (generators) generator turn the already useful tractor into a portable power plant. PTO generators convert the output shaft from a tractor into usable electricity, minus losses from conversion inefficiencies in the motor and electrical wave conversion.

Tractor Brings Electrical Power Anywhere on Farm

One of the struggles with farming large acreage is having power were needed. Using solar power is one option, but gets expensive quickly with the levels of power required for pumps, welders, drills, lighting, heating or cooling systems.

PTO generators have several advantages over standard generators, including high efficiency diesel generators. Connecting a PTO generator to a tractor engine takes away a major point of failure and maintenance. Any farmer knows that when buying a new piece of equipment with an engine, that new equipment will need oil changes, careful fuel cleaning, and host of maintenance steps to keep it functioning. Reliability is key for any equipment and the fewer engines requiring maintenance, the less work and the less potential downtime due to failures for the farmer. Tractors have to be maintained, right along with a farm truck. PTO generators have no engine and do not need heavy maintenance.

PTO Generators More Efficient Than Most Diesel Generators
PTO generators are also more energy efficient than running diesel and especially gas generators. This comes from the fact that PTO generators rely on the efficient tractor engine shaft drive for power. This provides exceptionally high efficiency electrical power.

Power levels produced are a function of the PTO horsepower of the tractor. From 5000 watt generators for small tractors up to 150,000 watt generators for tractors supplying a minimum of 290 PTO horsepower, almost any size operation will run off of PTO generators. One easy use for PTO electrical power is full barn electrification. Either a farmer is using the tractor out in the field and does not need the barn powered, or both the tractor and the PTO generator are at the barn with the farmer and being fully utilized.

Tractor Supplies Emergency Power with PTO Generator

Aside for use for powering general farm equipment, PTO generators are perfect for emergency power needs. In fact, that seems to be a major use for PTO’s based on a brief site survey of companies offering tractor powered generators. One of the key benefits for this type of use with PTO based generators is that they cost significantly less on a watt basis compared to equivalent diesel powered generators that are fully mobile. For example, a 25,000 watt diesel generator, enough power for a full sized home, may cost upwards of $8,000. The same 25,000 watt PTO generator can be purchased for less than $2500!

Not only will the PTO generator be less expensive to purchase by about 60%, but it will cost less to operate and maintain. More importantly, tractor powered generators are as easy to move as driving a tractor where you need the power. With all the of the advantages, every tractor can have a PTO generator for use when either there is no power in the field, or the grid goes down.

The only major choice to make when buying a PTO generator, is single or split shaft. Go with a single shaft because this allows using both the generator and the shaft power separately for other attachments. Additionally, there are attachments that allow a PTO generator to fit onto a truck. This is more questionable because of the added costs. Either way though, PTO generators make a sound farming investment.
good giiiiirl

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